Harlow Transport Review
Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals
The Gilston area lies to the north of the town of Harlow and is a strategic area for housing growth with the potential to accommodate up to 10,000 homes, the first 3,000 of which are likely to be included within the period of the emerging new East Hertfordshire District Plan.
Momentum was commissioned by Pinsent Masons (on behalf of a private landowner client) to conduct an appraisal of three route options proposed by the developers of the Gilston Area in order to compare the transport, environmental, social and safety impacts of each route using industry standard methodology and criteria. Our study concluded that the proposed eastern route was both feasible and delivered the most benefits to the Gilston Area, as well as providing essential improvements to the strategic highway network.
As part of our work, our team also conducted a technical review of highway modelling information and other technical documents pertaining to the Gilston Area development. This was done to establish the threshold at which the delivery of additional highway capacity would be required to facilitate the ambitious vision set for the Garden Town. Informed by this study, our team concluded that the proposed new route would in-fact be required for delivery of the first new homes and would play a significant role for the development to proceed without generating considerable negative impacts on the local highway network, whilst also providing key public transport options for residents of the new development. Momentum submitted material to be considered by the Inspector at the East Hertfordshire District Plan Examination in Public (EiP), where we also made Expert Witness representations. Our work was successful in contributing towards suggested modifications to the new District Plan.