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Industrial & Co-location

Industrial developments are essential to the way our cities operate. So, it’s key that they are delivered at scale to meet growing demands. With advances in last mile deliveries and booking management systems, these sites are fantastic opportunities to challenge expectations and limit the number of vehicles on our streets.

With ever-dwindling vacancies of industrial sites, it is key that more of these developments are delivered in and around our cities. Innovative solutions – such as co-location with residential units – can enable the delivery of these sites in locations that would otherwise be gobbled up for ‘more attractive’ developments.

Key challenges associated with industrial development include mitigating their impact on local road networks. Here, site locations play a core role and developments have to be taken on a case-by-case basis to achieve the best solution – whether this means using overnight servicing strategies in employment-focused areas, or ensuring employees travel to work by sustainable modes.

We have supported the delivery of several industrial developments, including Mitcham Sites, Abbey Road and others. Our input has been provided through consideration of bespoke logistics strategies and consideration of the unique design requirements associated with life sciences facilities.

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John Mulhaire