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Date published: October 27, 2020

Momentum responds to consultation on proposed changes to the Highway Code

Momentum Transport Consultancy, the London-based integrated transport consultancy, has responded to the Department for Transport’s consultation on proposals to improve road safety for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders.

The proposed changes include introducing a hierarchy of road users, clarifying pedestrian and cyclist priority and establishing safer overtaking.

Momentum’s responses included:

On rule H1 – hierarchy of road users – which puts vulnerable users at the top of the hierarchy and places increased responsibility on those that can cause greatest harm, Momentum responded that this introduction is generally welcomed and introduces a shift in how we think about the different vulnerabilities of road users from the outset of the Code. However, despite being largely in favour of the proposed hierarchy’s introduction Momentum highlighted that the wording of this rule requires improvement to avoid a narrow interpretation of its intent.

On rule H2 – clarification of right of way and stronger priorities for pedestrians – which provides clearer and stronger priority for pedestrians at junctions and crossings. Momentum agreed that the principles of these changes are correct. However, Momentum’s response expressed concern that giving way to pedestrians waiting to cross a road, in which vehicles are turning into, may have detrimental road safety impacts whilst it is becoming established, particularly on higher-speed main roads at the approaches to side roads.

On rule H3 – cyclists’ priorities and right of way – which aims to improve the priority for cyclists particularly ahead of vehicles turning in and out of side roads, Momentum agreed with the introduction of the rule.

Momentum also provided comments on proposed changes regarding overtaking cyclists, introduction of the ‘Dutch Reach’ and cyclists undertaking – expressing concern on the last change that, as drafted, the rule seems to encourage undertaking of large vehicles, or at least does not adequately highlight the danger of doing so which could increase side-swipe collisions between large vehicles and cyclists at left turns.

Derek Griffiths, associate director at Momentum said: “Overall we are very positive towards the proposed review and changes to the Highway Code, and believe the changes are in line with our aims to design safer streets for everyone, including more vulnerable users.

“However, a strong commitment to education and the communication of these changes will be absolutely essential to ensure their safe implementation. The combination of some road users following the existing Highway Code and others following the revised code will mean users assuming different road priorities, which is bound to generate confusion and safety risks. We look forward to seeing the final changes once the feedback has been analysed by the DfT.

About Momentum

Momentum is a leading integrated, people-first transport consultancy. Founded in 2012 the company creates transport strategies and solutions that inform, integrate with and are integral to every aspect of the built environment today and for the future. Focusing on the emerging, universal and critical issues facing development Momentum works with clients to address the multi-faceted challenges of the industry and to create forward-looking solutions. The company’s three core areas of specialism in planning, insight & analytics and engineering are bound together by a shared vision to improve the environments we live, work and play in. The company works in markets including commercial, cultural and heritage, education, major events, masterplanning, public realm, residential, retail and stadia and venues.