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Date published: May 19, 2021

Momentum Transport joins charity CoMoUK as associate member

CoMoUK is playing a leading role in the UK’s transition to integrated mobility solutions designed for the public good. CoMoUK supports the development of shared modes including car clubs, bike share, 2+ car share and emerging modes such as “on demand” buses and scooter sharing to enable mobility lifestyles which present an alternative to private car ownership

Claudio Borsari, associate at Momentum said: “CoMoUK is the leading collective voice for integrated mobility. Momentum and CoMoUK both champion greener and fairer transport for everyone and we look forward to working together to bring forward solutions, strategies and designs that will benefit all stakeholders.”

Contributions from CoMoUK members, along with other funding partners, enables the charity to carry out its key objectives to promote co-mobility, collect evidence of the impacts of the sector and provide advice on developing schemes.

About Momentum

Momentum is a leading integrated, people-first transport consultancy. Founded in 2012 the company creates transport strategies and solutions that inform, integrate with and are integral to every aspect of the built environment today and for the future. Focusing on the emerging, universal and critical issues facing development Momentum works with clients to address the multi-faceted challenges of the industry and to create forward-looking solutions.

The company’s three core areas of specialism in planning, insight & analytics and engineering are bound together by a shared vision to improve the environments we live, work and play in. The company works in markets including commercial, cultural and heritage, education, major events, masterplanning, public realm, residential, retail and stadia and venues.