Pragmatically, a multidisciplinary effort so that spaces operate as they are intended to; normatively, spaces that drive sustainability and support vibrancy for the local area.

Why is good design essential in the work we do?

Because it has a lasting impact on communities and we have a responsibility to ensure this is done to best standards. Also, good design has lots of positive externalities such has increased footfall and spend in shops, increased feel of safety and security, network efficiency, cost saving and future proofing.

Which piece of design that you’ve worked on at Momentum are you particularly proud of, and why? 

Providing interim options for cyclists during the construction phase of Olympia to ensure safety and efficiency.

Whose designs/which designer do you admire and why? 

A classic response but I’m a huge fan of Jan Gehl. As an architect he developed a very early understanding of the life that happens ‘in between’ buildings (at street level): those are spaces for people to enjoy, not cars! I admire not only his work but also his massive contribution to urbanism by his constant effort to share, publicise and educate all industry players in this idea.

Click the animation to see what else our team had to say about design