Bobby Moore Academy
Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals
The Bobby Moore Academy represented a new location for the secondary school education provision within the Local Communities Scheme masterplan for the Olympic Park. This required a new design for access for pedestrians and vehicles as well as a servicing strategy and supporting transport documents for the planning application.
The site is constrained by the Community Track to the west and the City Mill River to the east as well as the London Stadium to the north and associated access requirements. In order to accommodate the physical building for the academy, the access road and junction required a re-design to achieve more efficient use of space. This was a challenging project that involved taking account of changing levels within the junction area as well as physical constraints such as the adjacent bridge and embankment associated with the river.
Momentums highway engineers achieved a design within these constraints and worked with our transport planners to provide a suitable pedestrian provision and provide suitable connectivity for the wide range of uses that will be taking place, including facilitating egress routes form the stadium, access to the Community Track and the servicing arrangements for the school.
Momentum provided transport planning support for the preparation of the planning application including preparation of a Transport Assessment and a Delivery and Servicing Plan. Due to the unique location, various impacts and scenarios required assessment, including the impact on the wider masterplan, the use of the Community Track and the Stadium itself.
Momentum undertook a review of the relevant land uses and the associated use of facilities such as car and cycle parking and ensured that the provision was suitable for all uses and in line with the sustainability agenda. Careful consideration was also required for the use of the stadium during school times as well as the typical evening or weekend events. This was required to ensure that the uses interacted successfully both in terms of people behaviour and the physical design of the access routes.