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Transport Impact Assessment
Construction Logistics
servicing & waste strategies

Paul Street Hotel

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Project Status:
2016 – Present

Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

Momentum is working with Ocubis on the conversion of a vacant plot in the vibrant area of Shoreditch to provide a new hotel providing up to 145 rooms which will also provide an exciting new restaurant which will be open to the public.

The site is constrained by neighbouring buildings and access to the site is limited to the Paul Street frontage. As a result, there is limited space to deliver an efficient hotel operation alongside an active frontage that enhances the local area.

Our initial involvement on the project included providing transport advice, design guidance and further operational support on the Paul Street hotel project. We helped to develop an initial off-site servicing access strategy, which included servicing vehicle swept path assessments, and conducted a technical review and survey of on-street parking conditions surrounding the development site.

We were later recommissioned by the client to provide support for the submission of a formal planning application for the site redevelopment. Our workstreams have included the preparation of a Transport Assessment (TA), Trip Generation and Impact Assessment, Framework Delivery and Servicing Plan (DSP), Interim Travel Plan (TP) and Construction Logistics Plan (CLP).

The main challenge in this project is the space limitations and access constraints around the site. Therefore, we have developed an on-street delivery and servicing strategy for the hotel, which integrates into the existing highway network using the spare parking capacity demonstrated in parking beat surveys to justify this arrangement.

The planning application was submitted in June 2018 and received resolution to grant planning consent by London Borough of Hackney’s Planning Committee in February 2019