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Construction Logistics
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Transport Impact Assessment


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Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

Momentum Transport Consultancy were appointed by Ocubis in 2013 to provide transport planning and highway design services for the site that previously accommodated the Norwich Union employees sports club and grounds.  The appointment also included the redevelopment of land at Griffin Lane for affordable housing with both sites linked through a common Section 106 agreement.

The main Pinebanks site had the benefit of a planning permission granted by Broadlands District Council for 231 dwellings in June 2013 but it became necessary for Ocubis to vary the access arrangements for the Pinebanks site via a Section 73 application.  It was necessary to apply for the variation of the site access planning condition so that the main housing site could operate through a single access road and not the two access roads for the extant permission where one of these would be difficult to achieve due to a long-term restrictive covenant.

The revised planning permission was achieved in 2015 which enabled a new master plan layout to be developed which Momentum supported with extensive junction capacity modelling and highway design along with further trip generation studies in line with Norfolk County Council requirements.