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Operational Planning
servicing & waste strategies

West Ealing Freight & Servicing Strategy

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Client Name:
London Borough of Ealing
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Project Status:

Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2017, LB Ealing was successfully awarded £6.5 million of TfL funding to develop a scheme for West Ealing that would help achieve Sadiq Khan’s vision of ensuring walking, cycling and public transport become the most appealing choice for 80% of journeys in London by 2040.

Safe, clean and efficient freight and servicing is essential to the success and sustainable growth of West Ealing. However, changes to the local economy, land uses and purchasing habits, along with technology innovation and service sector growth, present a series of challenges for the area. This includes an increase in overall freight and servicing trips and associated impacts on traffic, air quality and highway safety.

To address these challenges, and to help achieve the vision for West Ealing, Momentum was commissioned by LB Ealing in 2019 to develop a Freight & Servicing Strategy for the area.

With the overarching aim of reducing the impact of freight and servicing activity, we investigated the potential for collective procurement of common supplies, last mile deliveries using e-cargo bikes and ultra-low emission vehicles, and the reduction and retiming of deliver trips to and generated by businesses.

We also undertook feasibility studies investigating the extent to which freight and servicing activity on the A4020 Broadway could be re-accommodated to rear or adjacent streets to improve the pedestrian environment of this high footfall street. Kerbside parking surveys, business servicing surveys, GIS-based analytics and site audits were used to inform these feasibility studies.

Our work has also been integral in informing streetscape, gateway and public space concept design proposals being led by the wider project team, ensuring the delivery of beautiful yet functional spaces for different user-groups.