Momentum supported Advanced Ideas Holdings with a planning application for the redevelopment of 70 Gracechurch Street. Located in the City of London, the proposal included approximately 72,300sqm GIA, featuring the erection of a new commercial building comprising high-quality office space, flexible retail uses and public viewing gallery. Substantial public realm space will be provided at ground level and new pedestrian routes made available through the site, connecting with the historic Leadenhall market.

Similarly to the support Momentum provided at nearby 55 Gracechurch Street, Momentum devised a bespoke servicing strategy in support of the planning application. We implemented the latest technologies such as consolidation and cargo bikes to provide the development with servicing resilience, in anticipation of the latest advancements in logistical solutions. The proposals also implemented vehicle lift technology which provided a dual purpose benefit of additional ground floor public realm space across the day and internal servicing overnight.

The proposed development included significant public realm improvements, including a new pedestrian route through the site and additional publicly-accessible space to the south eastern corner of the site. These provisions will provide new pedestrian routing opportunities around the site, greatly enhancing connectivity throughout the locale. The proposals will also provide a new direct connection between the site and Leadenhall Market helping to further revitalise this historic and valuable City of London attraction.

Momentum advised on the cycle parking requirements of the site, as well as the anticipated delivery and waste requirements of the proposals.