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Date published: November 5, 2024

Why Houston?

To mark the opening of Momentum's USA office, director Hassan Madhoun explains: 'Why Houston?'

“Houston is one of the largest US cities. It’s experiencing a lot of growth in terms of population size.

There are a lot of folks moving down to Texas in general, and into Houston specifically. And so there’s a lot of infrastructure growth. The city and the local community recognizes that you can’t build a way out with freeways.

And so there’s a very big push to invest in transit, invest in sustainable modes, bikeways and more walkable communities. It’s a really great place to be. Houston has traditionally had the reputation of an oil and gas town, but it’s way more than that.

It’s a very cosmopolitan city, very diverse, very rich, with a lot of great industries here. And back to the transit and infrastructure side of things, there’s a big push to expand transit offerings, expand light rail, bus rapid transit, and make transit more accessible and usable.

The same goes for bikeways. Houston has over 1,800 miles of high-comfort bike lanes and natural trails. And so there’s a lot of investment, a lot of interest and a desire to really rethink how people travel around the city.”

From Conversations in Momentum: S3 #8 Conversations In Momentum – Hassan Madhoun on Momentum’s new US office, 4 Nov 2024