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Operational Mobility
Multimodal Mobility
Pedestrian Mobility

Concordia University

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Client Name:
Provencher Roy/Concordia University
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Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

Momentum is supporting Provencher Roy in the development of the 20-year master plan for the Concordia University campuses in Montreal, to plan for a significant increase in the student population in the coming years. Momentum is assisting the architects and the University by analysing the transportation conditions around the site and developing a transportation strategy to better integrate sustainable transport.

Momentum analysed the issues of internal mobility on campus. This analysis included a thorough diagnostic of pedestrian routes, an assessment of operational needs, as well as an evaluation of the external circulation challenges related to access to both campuses via public and active transport. Based on the results of the sustainable mobility analysis, Momentum is developing planning and design recommendations to improve the experience of students and staff moving to and through the campus, and to facilitate operations without compromising the safety and comfort of pedestrians. Momentum’s assessments will guide the development of both campuses. Our recommendations will enable the University to create spaces that are well connected and can meet the mobility needs of future users, while ensuring harmonious coexistence with surrounding neighbourhoods and integration with current and future projects in the vicinity of the campuses.