Marché Central
Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

Phase 6 of the Marché Central proposes the redevelopment of the current location of the Montreal Maraichers to provide a newly built and improved pedestrian-friendly environment. Momentum’s collaboration with the design team aims to enable this sustainability objective by moving ahead with creating a people-first built environment and by reducing the internal car movements, while improving mobility. This will contribute to creating an inclusive retail experience attracting all types of visitors and providing a safe and comfortable experience.
The Momentum team collaborated with Ædifica for the future development of Phase 6 of the Marché Central. The objective of the mobility study was to quantify the future multimodal mobility generated by the site in order to develop the site’s connectivity with the surrounding neighborhoods and offer an improved pedestrian experience.
We set out several recommendations which constitute the transportation strategy supporting the sustainable and pedestrian vision for the scheme. We took the recommendations further to develop a detailed Transportation and mobility flow strategy on and around the site by setting out the forecast travel demand at different times of the day and analysing how people will travel to, from and within the site. The strategy was supported by a trip generation study, a transport specification study and an OD matrix. Momentum also advised on design elements proposed by Ædifica related to active transportation routes, surface and underground parking and access for pedestrians.