Queens Square
Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals
Momentum is commissioned as the transport consultancy on a major mixed-use development comprising of approximately 700-900 dwellings and commercial and retail units. The development proposals are to redevelop the existing commercial and retail units into a significant residential provision spread across numerous building blocks, with provision of retail and flexible commercial space at ground floor. The key challenges of the site involved the large number of bus services present around the site and the permanent pedestrianisation of the High Street. Provision of a new town square has made it necessary to reroute a number of bus services within a complex local network.
A significant public realm offering within the site includes a new public square, in line with the aspirations of LB Croydon as well as pedestrianisation of a section of the existing carriageway and improved pedestrian connectivity of the site. Momentum have provided design support for the site layout and access together with a delivery and servicing strategy that makes most efficient use of the on-site space and on-street provision.
As part of the work for this project, Momentum was involved within extensive bus re-routing and service analysis and traffic microsimulation. Using Linsig and VISSIM modelling software, an assessment of the development impact on the nearby junction and highway network. This included the impact of the proposed changes of bus routes, pedestrianisation of part of the high street and additional traffic generated by the development. As part of this task Momentum prepared TfL approved/audited traffic models to assess the surrounding highway network and discussion with TfL officers regarding suitable design solutions and preferred options.
Momentum are preparing a full suite of supporting planning documentation including a Transport Assessment prepared in full consideration of TfL’s Healthy Streets approach; a Framework Delivery, Servicing and Waste Management Strategy, an Outline Construction Logistics Plan and Framework Travel Plan.