Situated on Tottenham Court Road in central London, 247 Tottenham Court Road is CO-RE and M&G Real Estate’s mixed-use development for new homes, offices and retail spaces. The site sits within the West End Project, a series of Camden-led highways and public realm improvements and is an office-led demolition and rebuild project totalling 11.000sqm GIA.

Tying into and enhancing Camden’s proposals, Momentum has provided public realm, loading, cycling parking and construction advice towards a full planning application on the site.

Momentum led ongoing negotiations with LB Camden’s transport and West End Project representatives in order to secure an on-street loading bay, which has freed up a large area of ground floor space for retail use.

This involved significant work, including option testing and establishing precedent in order to agree a pragmatic deviation from policy. Momentum’s have also supported lead architect Stiff + Trevillion in designing cycle parking and waste storage facilities through to Stage 3 design; and led discussions regarding public realm enhancements associated with the scheme, including the proposed extension of a ‘pocket park’ to the front door of the new office entrance, and the relocation of a TfL Santander Cycle Hire station.

Momentum’s team studied multiple options for demolition and construction operations for the site to understand all potential logistical operations and their impacts. This included attending resident and councillor consultation sessions and discussions with Camden’s highways team to find the best solution for all.

We are also working towards the delivery of a pocket park on Bayley Street. The pocket park will improve the aesthetics of the area and improve greening – a good fit for the new building.