This office and retail refurbishment of an historically-important retail site in Clapham, with nearly 15,000sqm total GIA, was highly commended in the ‘Unbuilt’ category at the New London Awards 2021.

The key workstream for Momentum was the establishment of the loading strategy for multiple tenants via a residential street. Momentum also supported the design of cycle facilities above policy requirements, including access considerations. Momentum generated a construction routing plan that facilitates access around a series of one-way systems and narrow residential and commercial streets.

The scheme received planning permission from LB Wandsworth in November 2020. Momentum’s pre-application engagement with the highways officer helped to generate the appropriate loading strategy for the site, and ensure an appropriate level of Section 106 and Section 278 contribution and works.

Our advice also supported lead architect Stiff+Trevillion in designing above-standards cycle parking facilities within the development, including consideration of a range of cycle parking stands for different users, and reasonable access routes to these stands from street level. To improve the spatial efficiency of the ground and basement floors, Momentum successfully negotiated for a proportion of cycles to be folding bicycle lockers, despite the development not sitting within the Central Activity Zone.